3DS Server Admin User Management
Access to the 3DS Server Admin application is granted for authorised users. The authentication of the users is form-based with user name and password.
In order to manage and configure the user accounts, the 3DS Server Admin application provides the User Management module.
The User Management module is available only for users granted with the the administrator roles.
Features of the user accounts:
- The username and email are unique per user account
- The password must contain at least 8 characters including at least one lowercase letter, one capital letter, one number and one special symbol.
- There must be at least one role assigned to a user
- The activation link sent to the user via e-mail is valid for 12 hours
- Reset password email is valid for 12 hours
- The account will be locked after 3 failed login attempts
- The account can be locked and unlocked by an administrator
- The password is valid for 200 days from the last change, after which the user is requested to change it
Starting the 3DS Server Admin application for the first time
Initially, when the 3DS Server Admin application is started with empty database, only the superadmin user account will be created with its initial password.
On the initial login with this account, the initial password must be changed. Afterwards, the rest of the user accounts can be created in the User Management interface.
Crating a new user account
Enter the data required for creating the user account. Select Activate now to send the activation e-mail immediately.
Editing an existent user account
User account data can be updated, the account can be locked or unlocked, and the administrator can trigger sending an email for password reset