Netcetera 3DS Server 2 - Release Notes - Version 2.1.0

Published: 10.10.2019

Version 2.1.0 is a minor release of the Netcetera 3DS Server 2.

For documentation about this release please refer to the documentation site.


This version is NOT backwards compatible with previous versions of the Netcetera 3DS Server.

Important notification

The Netcetera 3DS Server 2.1.0 supports Java 11. Java 8 is now deprecated and compatibility will be dropped with the first release in Q1 2020. Please migrate your environment to Java 11 by then.

Upgrade notes

  • This release introduces new configuration properties for Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application for the purpose of transaction search. For detailed documentation please refer to the Admin Configuration Properties.

    This is an example of included changes:

    New Admin configuration Properties that should be configured:

  • This release introduces new roles for configuring directory servers in the Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application. These roles are disabled by default and should be enabled for users that need to update directory server configuration. The new roles are "View Directory Servers" and "Edit Directory Servers". Superadmin users cannot change the configurations for directory servers, so these roles need to be manually assigned.


New Features

  • Transaction search
    • Search by a custom defined time period and 15 additional searchable columns
    • Possibility to export the search in an Excel file
    • Added tool for processing existing transaction log entries in order to be made searchable
      With version 2.1.0 of the Netcetera 3DS Server a Search Transactions feature is shipped.
      For the purpose of searching transactions, the 3DS Server database table transactions_log is extended with
      15 new searchable fields columns. The way the 3DS Server logs the 3DSS messages is also changed in a manner to fill
      the new searchable columns. Furthermore, a new history_transactions_log table is introduced for the transaction
      logs' entries to be moved there. The intention is to increase the performance of searching transactions as well as to
      prevent а (possible) blocking of writing a new transaction log. The process of moving the transaction log entries will
      be done only if this is enabled by configuration and the time of the moving is also configurable using CRON.
      The 3DSS Searchable Old Transactions Tool is a complementary tool to the Netcetera 3DS Server Transaction Search feature
      which processes already present transactions (made in previous versions of the 3DS Server) in order to be searchable.
      The tool will iterate over the existing transaction log entries and will update each transaction log entry by filling the new
      searchable columns. The execution of the tool must occur before transaction logs being moved in history table (if enabled).
      It is not mandatory to run the tool, but it is recommended in order for the search results to contain old transaction
      entries matching the search filters.
      The tool can be run in one or multiple iterations (depending on configuration). The number of transaction logs entries
      processed in one iteration is also configurable. The default values of the tool is 1 iteration processing 5000
      transaction log entries. In case of greater number of existing transaction log entries, we recommend processing them
      in multiple iterations in order to prevent locking the transaction log table. There is also a possibility to run the
      tool more than once at different time periods.
      Configure the tool in ./config/ and run it using:
      java -jar nca-3dss-searchable-old-trxs-tool.jar
  • Display product version in the Netcetera 3DS Server Dashboard and Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application
  • Add new roles in the Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application (View Directory Servers, Edit Directory Servers). These roles are disabled by default, so any user that needs to have permission to update directory server configuration needs to have this role assigned to
  • Diners/Discover ProtectBuy Compliant


  • Improve server certificate validation for Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application when notifying the 3DS Server instances to reload the configuration
  • Improve URL validation in Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application
  • Implemented Mastercard announcements AN 2842 and Identity Check update for 3DS Servers regarding PAN mapping logic
  • Implemented Visa Business news Article ID: AI09303
  • Card account number scheme resolver name for Mastercard is changed (MasterCard -> Mastercard). It is recommended to rename the scheme name in Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application from MasterCard to Mastercard
  • Add support for DS-specific values for the Transaction Status Reason values in the Authentication Response
  • Update SQL scripts for MySQL to support NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode
  • Cardholder data is now masked by default

Bug Fixes

  • Fix known issue for Microsoft SQL Server from version when inserting new entities in the Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application
  • Remove X-Frame-Options from 3DS Method Notification endpoint for Netcetera 3DS Server
  • Fix bug in Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application when uploading a signed client certificate